IOP Award - Susan Smith
30 Jul 2020



Congratulations to Director of ASTeC Prof Susan Smith on receiving the Particle Accelerators and Beams Group Prize 2020 from the Institute of Physics for her contributions to accelerator and light source science.




Upon hearing the good news, Susan said:

"I am truly honoured to receive this award. Having spent the whole of my working career in accelerator science I am very pleased for my contribution to the field to be recognised by the group through this prestigious prize.
"In the 1980s, I could count the number of women in the accelerator field in this country on one finger, I hope being honoured through this award will give confidence and motivation to the many women who are entering this field in the 2020s."

The award citation reads:


Particle Accelerators and Beams Group Prize 2020
Susan Smith

For major contributions, innovation and leadership in accelerator and light source science, including in operations and upgrades of the SRS at Daresbury Laboratory, in leading the accelerator design for the Diamond facility at RAL, and leading the construction of the ERL ALICE, EMMA and CLARA facilities at Daresbury. In the last decade Susan has simultaneously been the Director of ASTeC and Head of Daresbury Laboratory, roles which recognise her exceptional scientific expertise and managerial abilities.​

Contact: Diakun, Joseph (STFC,DL,AST)