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Prototype developments for a sustainable particle accelerator for Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)
Full Energy Beam Exploitation of CLARA
Major research and innovation infrastructure investment announced
STFC and CERN support environmentally sustainable physics
RUEDI, the World’s fastest electron microscope and diffraction facility
Sustainability for Particle Accelerators: RUEDI - A Case Study
A report written by staff members in ASTeC
Mike Poole Obituary
Members of ASTeC, The Cockcroft Institute, STFC and the wider particle accelerator community will be saddened to learn of the death of Mike Poole, who passed away on 6th December 2023, aged 78.
PIP-II team transports first cyromodule between UK and Fermilab
Using permanent magnets to reduce the impact of accelerators
An article written by ASTeC's Ben Shepherd "Using permanent magnets to reduce the impact of accelerators"
A New Experiment Directly Measures Effect of Gravity On Antimatter
Congratulations to Shrikant Pattalwar
Shrikant Pattalwar receives the George T. Mulholland Memorial Award for Excellence in Cryogenic Engineering
Peter McIntosh has been recognised by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool for bringing £990k of investment to the city
Peter McIntosh has been recognised by the Lord Mayor of Liverpool for bringing £990k of investment to the city
History of Free-Electron Lasers in the UK
Elaine Seddon, Cockcroft Institute / ASTeC and ex-Associate Director of SRD, and Mike Poole, ex-ASTeC director, have published an article reviewing the history of free-electron laser projects in the UK.
A route to greener Big Science
An article by ASTeC's Peter Williams "A route to greener Big Science" has been published online in Nature Physics.
Cs-Te Photocathode Produced at Daresbury Laboratory
Alkali metal Photocathode Preparation Facility at Daresbury Laboratory Produces its First Cs-Te Photocathode
Reconciling Energy Recovery and Longitudinal Beam Dynamics
New publication researching self-consistent longitudinal matches for ERLs
ESS cavity milestones at Daresbury Laboratory
DL staff celebrate key milestones with the delivery of high-beta superconducting cavities to ESS
SCF Interview Series: Engineering design of a prototype permanent magnet for Ion Beam Analysis
Olli Tarvainen (ISIS) and Ben Shepherd (ASTeC) have collaborated to design a prototype of a permanent magnet for Ion Beam Analysis.
Galileo Galilei prize awarded to STFC co-authored publication
STFC's Dr Hywel Owen is recognised for his contributions to FLASH proton therapy paper
Generating coherent light from laser-accelerator electrons
Novel research points to developing table-top x-ray sources for future applications
RUEDI Project Announcement
£1.4m funding to look into a new world-class materials science centre at Daresbury Laboratory
ASTeC & CI Paper Highlighted Again in Physical Review
For the second time in a month, ASTeC and the Cockcroft Institute have had a paper selected as an Editors Suggestion in Physical Review – Accelerators and Beams.
Physical Review Highlight
ERL Driven Compton Source paper selected as editors suggestion in Physical Review – Accelerators and Beams
UK plays vital role in creating world’s most powerful neutrino beam
STFC and US-based Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory have agreed to collaborate on building one of the world’s most powerful linear accelerators.
Cockcroft Institute awarded more than £11 million to boost accelerator research
The Cockcroft Institute, a partnership between the Universities of Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester and Strathclyde, and the Science & Technology Facilities Council, has been awarded more than £11 million for R&D into accelerator science and technology.
Terahertz accelerators scale up
A pocket-sized particle accelerator capable of driving ultra-short electron beams to velocities more than 99.99% of the speed of light has been demonstrated on the CLARA accelerator at STFC Daresbury Laboratory.
Double, double toil and trouble... Halloween successes in Physical Review – Accelerators and Beams
ASTeC Accelerator Physics & the Cockcroft Institute secure a double bill in the October edition of PR-AB
New treatment research using CLARA
Very high-energy electrons could treat tumours deep within the body
Andy May wins Gustav and Ingrid Klipping Award
The committee board members have made this year's award to STFC Daresbury's Andy May
Post-Doctoral Position at DESY for Pavel Juarez-Lopez
Congratulations to Pavel for all he has achieved at Daresbury
New ASTeC Science Divison Head, Deepa Angal-Kalinin
With Jim Clarke becoming the new Head of ASTeC, he has appointed Dr Deepa Angal-Kalinin as the new Science Division Head.
Applying Electron Beams for Water Treatment and Reuse
With supplies of clean, safe, fresh water becoming a critical priority globally, pilot studies funded through the @TechFoodNetwork are helping to find an effective and faster approach to purifying industrial waste water for reuse in agriculture.
IOP Award - Susan Smith
Congratulations to Director of ASTeC Prof Susan Smith on receiving the Particle Accelerators and Beams Group Prize 2020 from the Institute of Physics for her contributions to accelerator and light source science.
IOP Honorary Fellow - Rachael Buckley
Congratulations to Rachael for her recent recognition by the Institute of Physics.
FameRAL - A year on placement... in 3 minutes!
Inspired by FameLab by Cheltenham Festivals, in 2020 STFC hosted 'FameRAL' its own version of the event: a science communication competition for the 2019/20 cohort of sandwich students.
New ASTeC Director announcement
Congratulations to the new ASTeC director, Professor Jim Clarke
Congratulations to Dr. Bill Kyle for his recent Ph.D
Congratulations to Dr. Bill Kyle who has recently been awarded his PhD. Bill was supervised by Rob Appleby of the University of Manchester and Peter Williams of ASTeC.
ASTeC Participates in Photocathode Growth R&D Collaboration
Dr. Lee Jones (ASTeC) and Ph.D. student Pavel Juarez-Lopez (University of Liverpool) have recently returned from Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) following an intense but successful series of photocathode experiments.
ASTeC Sponsored Student Wins Workshop Prize
At the recent European Workshop of Photocathodes for Accelerator Applications (EWPAA) held at the Paul-Scherrer-Institut in Villigen, Switzerland, a doctoral student sponsored by ASTeC has been awarded the Young Scientist of the Meeting prize, Victor Chan
Collaboration with CERN moves forward
Members of ASTeC’s photocathode electron source R&D team go to CERN to install vacuum equipment which will allow photocathodes made at CERN to be transported to Daresbury Laboratory for performance characterisation measurements.
VELA and CLARA Beamtime Request Call 2019-20
Call for VELA/CLARA Beamtime Requests for 2019/20
Daresbury supports the US Proton Improvement Plan Project at Fermilab
A team of accelerator science and technology experts at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory are to play a major role in the development of PIP-II – a giant proton beam particle accelerator being created at America’s Fermilab.
Accelerating the future: Designing a Robust and Affordable Radiation Therapy Treatment System for Challenging Environments
Ph.D. Student Scoops a Summer Intern Post
Ph.D. student Pavel Juarez-Lopez has been selected for a 3 month summer intern position at the HZB
ASTeC Hosts HPRFF Event at STFC Daresbury Laboratory
On Wednesday 27th February 2019, ASTeC hosted the 7th High Power Radio Frequency Forum (HPRFF) at STFC Daresbury Laboratory.
Cavity Developments for CLARA
The new RF photo injector cavity was a successful design project, but now the time has come to integrate the cavity into the CLARA accelerator.
Attosecond single-cycle undulator light - a review
ASTeC staff make another contribution to scientific research paper
New Research Paper Published in Journal of Synchrotron Radiation
Systematic study of a corrugated waveguide as a microwave undulator
STFC and Teledyne e2v collaboration will accelerate innovation for industry
A new strategic relationship has been formed between STFC and Teledyne e2v
Apprenticeships are for Everyone at STFC!
Did you know that not all apprentices start out immediately after finishing their education?
ASTeC Celebrates National Apprentice Week 2018!
Louise Smith tells us what it's like to be an Apprentice in ASTeC
First 'Intelligent Controls for Particle Accelerators Workshop' Hosted at Daresbury
This month, Daresbury was host to the first ever 2-day ICPA workshop
Short-wavelength Free-electron Laser Sources and Science - A Review
Reports on Progress in Physics, Volume 80 (2017) 115901 (73pp)
First Accelerated Beam Through Linac 1
CLARA reaches another significant milestone
Magnets For Cancer Therapy
ASTeC & University of Manchester staff combine expertise to come up with novel solutions to complex accelerator designs
Cryogenic Cluster Day 2017
Daresbury Laboratory was the perfect host for the Eighth Cryogenic Cluster Day on 20 September.
Congratulations Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez!
Congratulations to Alvaro Sanchez Gonzalez on completing his PhD on ultrafast x-ray science at Imperial College London.
ASTeC and Lancaster University PhD Student Wins Best Student Prize
Alisa Healy wins prize at 3rd European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop in Elba
A Year in Industry: Isabelle Gessey Talks About Her Experience in ASTeC.
This month, ASTeC will say goodbye to one of our fantastic Year in Industry students. Isabelle Gessey spoke to us about her time in ASTeC and about the challenges and highlights of her year at Daresbury Laboratory.
Focus on the Femtosecond Lasers and Timing Group
Matthew Cox is a year 11 student at Exeter School; he joined the Femtosecond Lasers and Timing Group at the Accelerator Science and Technology Centre, Daresbury Laboratory, as part of a summer work placement with the STFC. In this article he shares some
ZEPTO Project Develops New Energy Saving Magnets
Prototypes of a new generation of energy saving magnets for accelerators have been developed by ASTeC with funding from CERN for the proposed CLIC accelerator.
THz-driven Particle Beam Manipulation
The DATA programme is a collaboration between the STFC and academic partners from the Cockcroft Institute, dedicated to the aim of realizing femtosecond particle beam acceleration driven by high-field terahertz radiation.
Daresbury Laboratory Electronic Engineer’s Robot Wins Week 2 of Robot Wars
With a top speed of 12.6mph, Eruption has 'flipped' its way to success, beating off competition to become the winner of Week 2, Series 9 of the show.
Springer PhD Thesis Award goes to ASTeC and Manchester University Student
Dr Matthew Cliffe has received the Springer Thesis Award for his PhD work.
LESS Gets off to a Flying Start!
An STFC-funded collaboration between CERN, STFC and Dundee University, which was initiated in November 2016, is currently underway with the aim to produce Laser Engineered Surface Structures (LESS)
The PM Visits VELA and CLARA
As part of her recent visit to Daresbury Laboratory, the Prime Minister Theresa May was shown the VELA and CLARA accelerator R&D facilities.
STFC host 5th European Spallation Source SRF Collaboration Meeting
Daresbury Laboratory hosted the 5th ESS SRF Collaboration Meeting
ESS Collaboration Board Hosted
On 1st February, ASTeC hosted STFC's first ESS Collaboration Board meeting with John Womersley attending as new ESS Chief Executive.
The Photo-Injector Team First prototype UK X-FEL Injector delivered by Daresbury Laboratory
Pushing beyond current UK photon facility capabilities, to deliver short pulses of X-rays that can probe both structure and dynamics at the molecular level, demands light pulses over 1,000 times shorter than those in Diamond Light Source
Physics on stage at the Big Bang Fair
Last week Suzie Sheehy (STFC ASTeC and University of Oxford) once again took to the main stage at the Big Bang Fair at the NEC in Birmingham, co-presenting the headline show alongside TV presenter and food writer Stefan Gates and mathematician Dr. Hannah
Rutherford International Fellowship Programme - deadline 31 October 2015
Post-doctoral fellowship scheme supporting up to 36 post-doctoral researchers to work within Science and Technology Facilities Council departments and facilities, and Diamond Light Source.
First UK In-Kind Contribution to ESS Successfully Installed and Commissioned
Four state of the art laboratory facilities delivered and commissioned at ESS by ASTeC and STFC Technical Department, marking first UK in-kind contribution
EuroCirCol PhD Studentship - final call - closing date 20 September 2015
Cavity Beam Position Monitor at VELA
The STFC Open Week 2015
ASTeC played a part in STFCs 2015 Open Week at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory which attracted 1,000s of visitors
Two EuroCirCol PhD Studentships - closing date 5 August 2015
Application details for two new EuroCirCol PhD studentships can be found on the Cockcroft Institute website
Early Stage Research Workshop
First UK In-Kind Delivery for ESS
First Transverse Phase Space Tomography Results on VELA
The first tomographic reconstructions of the VELA transverse phase space allow characterisation of the 4-dimensional beam distribution.
First Measurements with Deflecting Cavity on VELA
ASTeC presents ALICE and TESS at ERL15 Workshop
ERL2015 is a forum for scientists and engineers from around the world to review the latest developments in energy recovery linac physics
EuroCirCol Project Kick-Off
A meeting at CERN initiated the EC-funded component of the Future Circular Collider study to develop a conceptual design for an energy-frontier hadron collider
IoP PAB Prize Lecture 2015
Professor Chris Prior delivered the prize lecture at the IoP’s Physics Particle Accelerators and Beams Group Annual Conference 2015 at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
ASTeC at IPAC 2015
ASTeC staff led or contributed to 32 paper publications at IPAC15, covering a wide variety of accelerator programmes and including the commissioning of new VELA experiments and hardware.
Compact Accelerators for Particle Production
Particle and Accelerator Physics Masterclass
Daresbury Laboratory held its Particle Physics Masterclass over 3 days at the end March, with a record-breaking attendance of more than 278 students and 29 teachers.
FELs of Europe Steering Committee Meeting
ASTeC hosted the FELs of Europe Steering Committee 26-27 March 2015 at Daresbury Laboratory.
VELA bringing a new imaging capability for UK industry
A new imaging capability for the UK was showcased today at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory in Cheshire
Prof Susan Smith re-opens the Medium Energy Ion Scattering Facility at the IIAA Huddersfield University
On the 3rd March the International Institute for Accelerator Applications at the University of Huddersfield held its 4th Annual Symposium on Accelerator Applications, hosted by Professor Roger Barlow. The meeting was attended by Prof Susan Smith, Dr Tim N
CLARA receives a major boost from SwissFEL
First UK In-Kind Contribution to ESS
A team from DL recently visited the European Spallation Source (ESS) for a final design review of the first UK In-Kind Contribution to ESS
VELA Event: Moving femtosecond structural science towards molecular movies
Find out how a new frontier in structural imaging can benefit industry and academia.
Happy Christmas SwissFEL!
Beyond the X-ray - a new frontier in structural biology signals big gains for UK industry
CI GradFest 2014
Success for ZEPTO collaboration
US Patent Granted to ASTeC for Innovative Magnet Design
ASTeC have been granted a US Patent for a permanent magnet-based variable strength multipole magnet (patent number 8,829,462) which has been developed for the CLIC Linear Collider project at CERN
6th International Workshop on Cryogenic Operations
From discovering Higgs Bosons at the LHC or providing ultralow temperature environment for the experiments with ISIS neutrons, one of the key technologies that must be employed reliably is CRYOGENICS.
Living the dream
Although Lee Jones (ASTeC) was good at physics and maths at school, at the time he didn’t find science that interesting. We recently caught up with him to find out what inspired him to follow a career in science, engineering and outreach.
Electron Diffraction on VELA
Graduate Scheme Team Building
Two ASTeC Graduates, along with 30 of their Graduate Scheme colleagues, are recently returned from the Tall Ships team-building event. Alex Brynes and Louise Cowie travelled to Falmouth where they were awaited by two magnificent early 18th century tall sh
Novel Low Secondary Electron Yield Engineered Surface for Mitigation of Electron Cloud
The ASTeC Vacuum Science Group has been awarded Proof of Concept Funds (PoC) to investigate novel e-Cloud mitigation process. The award of £80k will support a recently drafted patent and investigation of potential commercialisation of this novel surface m
Farewell to Cockcroft Institute Inaugural Director, Professor Swapan Chattopadhyay
National Vacuum Electronics Conference (NVEC)
This year’s National Vacuum Electronics Conference (NVEC) took place on the 5th June 2014 at Daresbury Laboratory (STFC) in the Cockcroft Institute. The aim of the conference is to focus on early career researchers and staff members (PhD student / PDRA le
Andrew May - a year out at DL
He spent last summer at University College London’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory (Department of Space and Climate Physics) where he was awarded a Royal Astronomical Society bursary for his work on the development of a CubeSat attitude control system b
ASTeC welcomes its first KTP associate
The Accelerator Science and Technology Centre (ASTeC) is pleased to welcome Kareem El-Abiary, its first associate to be funded through the Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme overseen by the Technology Strategy Board (TSB).
International Particle Accelerator Conference 2014, Dresden, Germany
The Fifth International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’14) was held from 14th to 20th June in Dresden, Germany.
EnEfficient RF Sources Workshop
Congratulations on ALICE Lasing
LA3NET 3rd Topical Workshop on Novel Acceleration Techniques
Peter McIntosh represented ASTeC at the 3rd LA3NET Novel Acceleration Techniques Workshop, held at HZDR Rossendorf from 28-30 April 2014.
EUCARD-2 Innovative RF Technologies Annual Review
The Daresbury Laboratory Particle Physics Masterclass 2014
Daresbury Laboratory held its Particle Physics Masterclass over 3 days at the end March, with a record-breaking attendance of more than 330 students and 20 teachers from schools as far away as Conway and Wakefield
UK wins major 4.5 million contract in construction of the world's most powerful gamma beam facility
UK accelerator scientists have won a major contract with a European consortium tasked with delivering the most advanced and powerful gamma beam facility in the world.
Fusion Collaboration for MaRS
Accelerator Community Calls for CLARA
The Institute of Physics Particle Accelerator and Beams Group sponsored a meeting of UK accelerator professionals on 13th January 2014 at the Cockcroft Institute to discuss the accelerator science and technology opportunities that would be afforded by the
ASTeC Hosts Final Annual TIARA Preparation Phase Review
From November 25 -28th, ASTeC was host to the final annual review meeting of the EC-funded TIARA Preparation Phase, whose remit has been to substantiate integration of national and international accelerator R&D infrastructures into a single distributed Eu
ASTeC hosts the 3rd EUCARD-2 Steering Committee Meeting
Over December 12th – 13th, ASTeC hosted the 3rd EUCARD-2 Steering Committee Meeting, bringing together each of the 12 Workpackage coordinators from across Europe.
New SRF CryoModules on their way!
ASTeC has been able to secure an extensive amount of Superconducting RF (SRF) infrastructure from Stanford University
The 3rd annual meeting of the HiLumi LHC-LARP collaboration
The joint HiLumi LHC-LARP collaboration held its 3rd annual meeting between 11-15 November 2013, hosted by the Cockcroft Institute and Daresbury Laboratory.
Designing New Materials for Photocathode Meeting
ASTeC Visit to the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Novosibirsk
In September 2013, Dr Tim Noakes from ASTeC’s Accelerator Physics group visited the Institute of Semiconductor Physics in Novosibirsk, which is part of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This visit marks the latest meeting in a long r
Reaching new audiences
Suzie Sheehy from the ASTeC Intense Beams Group recently spent three days talking to the public about science at the Green Mans Festival in Wales
Publication of the CLARA Conceptual Design Report
We are delighted to announce that the Conceptual Design Report of the proposed new Free Electron Laser Test Facility, CLARA, has been published on the ASTeC website today and is available for download here
HEPTech Academia meets Industry: Environmental Applications of Accelerators
With an increasing industrial focus on resource savings, and the adoption of good environmental practises backed by ever-tightening regulatory requirements, accelerator-based solutions for environmental clean-up and production efficiencies are now transfe
International Particle Accelerator Conference 2013, Shanghai
From 12th to 17th May a group of 16 staff and students represented ASTeC at the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC ‘13) (link opens in a new window) in Shanghai, China.
EuCARD13 Meeting, 10-14 June 2013, CERN
IOP Plasma Wakefield Meeting
The IOP Plasma Wakefield meeting was held at Daresbury Laboratory on the 18th June. The one-day meeting was attended by 45 and brought together experts from nine UK departments and institutes to discuss recent advances in plasma wakefield accelerators and
A New Concept for Perfect Pulses from X-ray Free-Electron Lasers
ASTeC researchers have been developing a new technique which they first proposed in 2010 to dramatically improve the output quality of X-Ray Free-Electron Lasers (FELs). The technique should make the X-ray pulses more reproducible and provide users with m
New UK particle accelerator heralds exciting opportunities for industry
The new UK particle accelerator VELA (Versatile Electron Linear Accelerator) has achieved a significant electron acceleration milestone, which heralds exciting new opportunities for industry to apply the latest particle accelerator technology to its most
Institute of Physics Particle Accelerators and Beams Group Annual Meeting
The 2013 annual meeting of the IOP’s Particle Accelerators and Beams group was held in the Cockcroft Institute on 10th April.
TransHelios in New Scientist
The story of TransHelios, the project led by ASTeC, appears in the April 6 issue of New Scientist.
The fastest movie camera in the world could study the dynamics of atomic nuclei
A technique to create the shortest X-ray pulses ever made is proposed in Physical Review Letters
TransHELIOS magnet successfully tested at Daresbury
During February, the TransHELIOS project team successfully cooled down and operated the 3T high-homogeneity solenoid that was donated to the project by Nottingham University
Development and Testing of Crab Cavities for High Intensity Colliders
Come and join us at the STFC CERN BIC - open for expressions of interest
Come and join us at the STFC CERN BIC - open for expressions of interestWe are looking for high-tech start-ups and entrepreneurs across a range of sectors and technology areas who could benefit from the world leading knowledge and expertise of CERN, home
A new Cryomodule arrives at ALICE
Following a 6-year collaboration with internationally leading groups such as LBNL, Cornell and Stanford Universities in the USA, HZDR-Rossendorf and DESY in Germany and TRIUMF in Canada, ASTeC has achieved a major milestone whereby a new optimised Superco
Advanced Manufacturing Case Study: Enabling UK industry to compete in high-value, high-technology global markets
Advanced Manufacturing Case Study: Enabling UK industry to compete in high-value, high-technology global markets
LHeC Meeting at Daresbury Laboratory
The Large Hadron Electron Collider (LHeC) is under development as the electron-proton/ion (ep/A) complement of the LHC at CERN, with which parton dynamics and new phenomena are explored with unprecedented luminosity and energy in deep inelastic scattering
Advanced Computing for Accelerators
Expertise from the fields of high performance computing and particle accelerators was brought together for a workshop at Daresbury Laboratory and the Cockcroft Institute last week, aimed at harnessing the power of new parallel computing facilities for par
Echo Enabled Harmonic Generation: A different perspective!
First Engineering Meeting on the Development of Crab Cavities for HiLumi LHC
Advanced Computing for Accelerators 15-17 January 2013
Modern HPC architectures give us access to amazingly powerful machines, yet many of us still run jobs on our desktops.Although not every problem is suitable for parallelisation, many of them are. If we could learn more about whats available and how people
Workshop on Superconducting Technologies for the Next Generation of Accelerators at CERN
Under the European FP7 projects HiLumi LHC and TIARA, this workshop was hosted at CERN from 4 – 5 December 2012
ASTeC Magnet Tests at CERN
The tuneable permanent magnet quadrupole designed and built by ASTeC and Technology Department ( for the Compact Linear Collider Project is now undergoing detailed magnetic testing at CERN. The magnet
TESLA Technology Collaboration Meeting 2012 (TTC12)
Peter McIntosh, Alan Wheelhouse and Shrikant Pattalwar recently attended the latest TESLA Technology Collaboration meeting at Jefferson Lab from 5 – 9 November 2012
Visit by Thailand Light Source Delegation
ASTeC and Cockcroft Institute hosted a visit by the Thailand Light Source on 6th November to discuss a number of areas of common interest
HOMSC12 Workshop
During the last week of June the Cockcroft Institute and ASTeC hosted the International Workshop on Higher-Order-Mode Diagnostics and Suppression in Superconducting Cavities (HOMSC12)
ScandiNova Modulator Site Acceptance Test
A klystron K2 modulator has been delivered by ScandiNova in Uppsala, Sweden and has successfully passed its site acceptance test. The klystron modulator is part of the EBTF (Electron Beam Test Facility), and will provide up to 10 MW of peak RF power to th
ASTeC hosts work experience students
Last week saw ASTeC host a number of work experience students hoping to gain an insight into what a career in accelerator science and technology is all about.
Physics to Healthcare Workshop
On Thursday 6th July 2012, STFC hosted a ‘Physics to Healthcare Workshop’ KTN event at Hamilton House, London which attracted a wide spectrum of representatives encompassing the clinical, scientific and industrial applications for the diagnosis, treatment
Discovery of a Higgs boson
Powder Target Tests at CERN
What happens if you put a 440 GeV proton beam pulse into a trough of tungsten powder in a helium environment?
IPAC12 - New Orleans
The 3rd of the new International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) series and the first one in North America, took place at New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from May 20 - 25, 2012 and was chaired by the ex-founding Director of ASTeC, Dr. Vic Suller (CAMD)
STFC World Expert Recognised with IOP Award
ASTeC builds novel prototype magnet for CLIC
Ben Shepherd and Jim Clarke from ASTeCs MaRS group, in collaboration with Norbert Collomb from STFCs Technology Department, have designed and built a prototype of a new type of accelerator magnet
Leadership Seminar
Susan Smith was invited to talk at the IET annual leadership seminar held In May 2012. 85 engineers attended an inspirational leadership seminar organised by the IET and hosted by Professor Murray Dalziel, Head of the University of Liverpool Management Sc
ALICE FEL: First lasing journal paper published
Following the first lasing of the ALICE infra-red Free Electron Laser (FEL) in October 2010, which was the first demonstration of a FEL in the UK, a comprehensive paper reporting the results has now been published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Phy
CERN and STFC new business initiative to see businesses bridge the gap between science and Industry
From cancer therapy to security: using the UKs accelerator technology expertise to accelerate business
Compact Particle Accelerators Meeting
The ICFA Workshop on Future Light Sources 5-9 March 2012
This international workshop was held at the Thomas Jefferson Nation Lab in the USA and discussed the technologies appropriate for a next phase of photon user facilities providing high peak and average photon brightness.
Particle Physics Masterclass 2012
Students from schools across the North West joined scientists from the Cockcroft Institute (CI) at Daresbury Laboratory on March 15th and 16th for the annual particle physics master class. This yearly chance for schools to get experience of what happens a
Susan Smith introduces Julian Rush to EMMA
Breakthrough in the development of a diagnostic test for oesophageal cancer
United States Particle Accelerator School (USPAS) Cathode Physics
On 16 – 20 January 2011, Tim Noakes and Julian McKenzie attended the USPAS (United States Particle Accelerator School) on Cathode Physics held in Austin, Texas