I started my career at Daresbury Laboratory in 1987 as a Trainee Scientist, gaining a permanent position in the RF group in 1990. I became responsible for supporting and developing the RF systems on the SRS facility and also defining the RF requirements and proposing system solutions for the DIAMOND facility design.
In 2001 I left Daresbury to take up a position at SLAC, becoming responsible for the RF systems on PEP-II and for the implementation of the SPEAR3 RF system upgrade. In 2005 I returned to Daresbury Laboratory and in 2006 became the RF and Diagnostics group leader in ASTeC Department and have since been responsible for the ALICE SRF system implementation and its subsequent successful operation, developing also the design and implementation of a conventional normal-conducting RF system for the EMMA FFAG facility.
I currently lead an international collaboration team (Stanford and Cornell Universities, DESY, FZD Rossendorf, LBNL and TRIUMF) for the design and fabrication of a new, highly optimised SRF cryomodule which will be validated on ALICE. I have also led the SRF linac design for both the 4GLS and NLS accelerators.
Peter McIntosh's publications (link opens in a new window).