Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS)
03 Nov 2010






The Synchrotron Radiation Source (SRS) was the world's first dedicated high energy x-ray synchrotron source. It closed down in August 2008, after 28 years of operation and two million hours of science.

The MaRS group supported the development of the SRS in many ways over it's history but perhaps the best examples are in the provision of the insertion devices that provided the flagship experimental stations with high quality radiation. Three high field permanent magnet multipole wigglers were designed by the MaRS group. Two were 2T, 200mm period and one was 2.4T, 220mm period. This latter magnet is the still the higheset field strength magnet in its class in the world today. Additionally, a helical undulator (APPLE-2 type) was also designed, manufactured, assembled, measured, and shimmed at Daresbury Laboratory for installation into the SRS in 2004.

Undulators and Wigglers
