VELA Event: Moving femtosecond structural science towards molecular movies
10 Feb 2015




Find out how a new frontier in structural imaging can benefit industry and academia.


Being able to understand the structure of a material and its properties has led to numerous advances over the last 100 years. From the development of new drugs, to new technologies such as flat screen TVs and even better tasting chocolate; structural imaging has fundamentally underpinned advances in almost every aspect of modern day life.

A new capability in Ultrafast Electron Diffraction was demonstrated by the Versatile Electron Linear Accelerator (VELA) at STFC’s Daresbury Laboratory in October 2014. The occasion established VELA’s capability to generate ‘molecular movies’ and increase our understanding of the structural changes materials undergo when exposed to external influences.

We would like to take this opportunity to invite researchers and industry to visit Daresbury Laboratory on 13th March 2015 for a special ‘Structural Imaging’ event. We want to provide academia and industry alike with a chance to be part of a new frontier in structural technology, explore the potential of this powerful technique and gain early foresight into the prospective benefits before anyone else.

The event will comprise of an informal workshop with speakers from the University of St Andrews, The Max Planck Institute, SLAC and the University of York coupled with the official launch of VELA.

If you don’t want to miss out on this rare opportunity register (link opens in a new window) or find out more information on our event page (link opens in a new window).

Event details

Date: 13 March 2015

Time: 09:30

Location: Daresbury Laboratory

Audience: All

Age range: All ages

Booking required: Book here (link opens in a new window)
